Posted in Family, God, love, patient, quote, sufficient

Are We So Different?

Thanksgiving weekend brought together family and friends enjoying traditions and non-traditions.  A sweet 16 birthday party for my oldest granddaughter, as well as birthday celebrations for my 25-year old son and husband filled the rest of the 4-day weekend.  Family bloodlines run long of sufficient women, and the strong men who walk with us.  The differences whether male or female are in political views, religious beliefs, culinary preferences and restrictions, career choices, hobbies, aspirations, the boots we wear, and list goes on.  The pendulum of diversity swings very high at times even among spouses.

How does God encourage us to live? “Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” ~ Ephesians 4:2.   “I found out everybody’s different–the same kind of different as me. We’re all just regular folks walkin down the road God done set in front of us,” ~ author of Same Kind of Different As Me, Denver Moore tells us.  The same kind of different brings us to the same road, same pair of shoes, same need for love.  Love is the glue that binds us together, and it is the need we each have that makes us each the same.  So love folks. Love unceasingly!